10 Years: 11 September 2001
The Universe, Tellus, USA, New York, Manhattan, World Trade Center - September 11 2001...
The day that change this modern world.
My thoughts go out to all of you, who in any way, suffer from the attack of World Trade Center September 11 2001!
So many people lost, so many familys in grief..
I will never forget!
My thoughts also goes to those who have lost their lifes in war started because of the attack.
I don´t think you ever can cure the emptiness a lost life!
I did see the memorial ceremony from ground zero today and a boy said:
"To my father, who I never met because I was in my mothers belly - I love you for loving the idea of having me and thank you for my life - I wish you were here to share it with me"
That and much more made me cry...
All my love to all of you out there!!!
-May all of you who did die Rest In Peace!
//Kate, Stockholm Sweden