Imponera med bild..
När man kollar på bilder idag vet man att de är mycke gjort i photoshop. Många försöker fortfarande hävda att dom inte gör nånting men oftast är de lite skärpa och kontraster som ändras. De syns ju inte egentligen. Många andra kör ju mer direkt redigering av hud, färg, tar bort saker, tillsätter saker men ändå på ett sånt sätt så att de inte ska synas så mycke. Sen ha vi ju dom som redigerar till 100 så att man verkligen ser att de är fixat. Inte en por eller en hudrynka syns. Håret ligger perfekt och inte ett enda hårstrå som ligger fel etc.
Jag är usel på att redigera bilder det erkänner jag.
Satt och kollade genom lite enkla saker och insåg att förut var de så lätt att imponera med en redigerad bild. Man satt dit lite sunburn och så tyckte alla bilden va OTROLIGT bra.
Idag vet ju alla att de är sunburn så de är ingen som bli imponerad eftersom de kan en 6åring göra.
Frågan är bara - Är de en dålig bild bara för att e är en enkel och ganska lam effekt?
Kan själv tycka att de är lite kul me sånna bilder men eftersom man umgås i den krets man gör så skrattar mest folk åt en när man leker med enkla saker.
Nu är de inte så att jag tänker vinna nån världstävling med min bild utan de är bara ett självporträtt på mig som ingen ha nån nytta av så varför inte leka lite? =)
Kan tycka att de ha blive lite väl mycke hysteri med redigering av bilder, man behöver idag inte va fotograf för att ta en bra bild. För själva bilden gör du i photoshop så du är egentligen grafiker eller nån annan form av konstnär.
Ibland saknar jag analogt foto, då va de en helt annan sak. Du va tvunget tänka 700 ggr innan du tog en bild, idag tar du 700 bilder iställe å så fixar du ändå till de i photoshop sen.
Varför återgår jag inte till analogt? De är helt enkelt inte ekonomiskt försvarsbart idag.
Jag fotar som jag vill! =)
My Phone....
Well first of all it was monday, that is a bad start of any week.
Then I had time with my doctor to get 10 injections (I was wrong - I got 20...)
And then someone stole my phone... at the hospital!
Dosn´t people have any shame?
How can anyone take anything that isn´t theres?
On a hospital where people feel bad as it is.
AND on a monday...
I have been sick for 2 weeks and I can´t work for another 2 weeks so my pay will be almost non next month. I have to quit my job next month because of shortage of work, so next month I wont have a job.
I can´t get another phone now because I need the money to rent and food.
So unhappy right now..
I have all numbers in my Thai-phone so I´m not compleatly lost but it is just so uncalled for. I don´t care about the phone itself.
It is just that the trust in humanity slowly fade away from day to day.
People that do things like this, I don´t think they understand how it feels for the people they expose this shit to. I´m all alone in Stockholm and my family lives in the north of Sweden, the only way for me to talk to them is by phone. I was in a hospital, what if I was really sick and wanted to talk to someone really bad and this person deside to take my phone so I was left all alone...? How do they think?
So instead of going home I had to visite the police and put the phone out of service. So hopefully the person wont have any use for it now.
My bad day got worst so I hope that person had a really shitty day to!
I hope he got ran over and died or somethine even worst - That he got paralysed.
I can´t wish something like that. You know what, I´m human enough not to wish such unluck even for a bad person. But maybe if the person was paralysed like me or had a sick heart or cancer, he would maybe not be so ugly in his soul.
IMEI number gave me back my phone last time someone stole it. Just hope I will have the same luck this time.
Gammalt blir nytt
Ett stort tack ska gå ut till Camilla Jacobsson som var min försökskanin i början av min karriär.
Hon sa helt enkelt aldrig nej när jag hade nån galen idé och idag kollade jag genom de bilder vi tog första gången jag fotade henne.
Blev lite paff när jag hittade denna. Hur bra som helst ju!
Både jag och Camilla har utvecklats sen dess och vi gör fortfarande skitbra bilder! Och vi ha haft ofantligt kul under de gånger vi har jobbat ihop!
Tyvärr har hon flyttat från Stockholm så de blir inte lika mycke fotat nu. Måste hitta en ny försökskanin som aldrig säger nej!
Men de är fan inte lätt att hitta nån som är me på alla galna saker man hittar på. Hmm...
Bara för att något är gammalt betyder inte de att det är dåligt.
Jag ska fortsätta gå genom mina gamla bilder och se vad jag hittar för spännande. Det kanske är så att min smak har ändrats så bilder jag ratade då kanske är en guldgruva idag vem vet. =)
New look
I do this for future photosessions so I know how the makeup will show on picture when I have models here.
It is fun and I can play around however I want and I also do it to get over my selfhate.
I really need to learn to live with how I look...
I have been using Body Glow from E.l.f for the first time and now I have glitter all over. I just wont go away. =D
You can´t really see it in the picture because I made the pictures black and white.
I also used the wonderful foundation E.l.f has, I have told you about that in another blogpost. =)
So what else... I did Contour and Highlight with colour sticks, and I used E.l.f´s mineral eyeshadows. A lovely pink/golden lipstick from Max Factor that I can´t buy here in Sweden. And a peach blush from H&M.
Damn... Now I have to show you a colour picture anyway.. Hahaha..
So now you have seen that..
And you see that the Body Glow does not show so well on picture, but in real life it is another story. And I had it on my sholuders and all over...
I like the pictures better in black and white. Portraits often are better in BW...
Another boring night turned out to be a fun makeup/photo night.. =)
Broken jaw
My X-ray plate is so freaking cool!
It was pain I tell you that, I did look like I had been run over by a truck and that was nothing right for pretty long time. Still isn´t 100% okay.
January 2011 I did take a picture of me and last night I did take a new one "almost" the same. And it is a BIG difference before the broken jaw and after...
I have more prominent jawline and my chin is much better now.. Maybe to broad? Have to talk to a surgeon about my nose, it got a new shape also for some strange reason..
At least now I can close my mouth. =)
But the pain and all the shit I have been through because of this, I don´t know if it is worth it.
Sometimes I have to tke so strong pills that i black out. And it is almost 1 year ago!
Thats it!
Think I have to change my mind about favorite product from ELF.
Okay that Complexion Perfection still is in the top 3 but now after I have been using Flawless Finish Foundation for some time I just have to say it is now nr 1.
And with Complexion Perfection and Golden Bronzer on that.... Holy hell!!!! =))
With some foundations you can feel sticky and sometimes foundations seem to make your skin dry and it feels like you have a mask on. This foundation have non of that!!! It is just a perfect foundation that makes your face look absolutly beautiful!
It is easy to blend in blush - harsh lines are never a problem!!
I might have to say that I have dry skin so I know it works on that type of skin anyway. =D
And for me that takes a lot of pictures this is the best gift from makeup-Gods ever!
Forget the work in photoshop where you have to soften models skin to look great. This foundation does that for you!! =)
To be just I would put a picture of me without it so you can see the different before and after. But I really cant do that now when my skin look this superduper great with the foundation! =D
The best part is that when I ONLY have the foundation -no mascara, eyeliner, blush etc- people are saying that I look so healthy and fresch even without makeup.. If they only knew the secret.. ;)
So if you are thinking about buying Flawless Finish Foundation, stop thinking! Just do it! =)
I don´t get a penny from ELF to say something like this.
But WHY wouldnt I share the secret of the best product ever with everyone else? =)
Have a wonderful week!!!